Dimensional modeling - Star schema vs Fact constellation
Dimensional model of Data warehousing
Ralph Kimball introduced the dimensional modeling in 1996 with his
book, The Data Warehouse Toolkit. Dimensional modeling is implemented
by de-normalizing the database for the reporting purposes, because the
normalized databases are too hard to query and extract data for business
There are two main approaches for implementing dimensional data
warehousing models:
describe how the dimensions relate to the fact tables.
Facts and
fact tables hold the information that the business is concerned about,
that measure the performance of the organization. Dimension tables
contain descriptive attributes which gives the ability to the qualify the
measures (facts). These two tables are related to each other and are connected
by a key.
Granularity is the measure of how the
dimensions and facts relate to each other. Facts with different granularity should be in different tables.
Star Schema
In star
schema, one fact table is surrounded by many dimension tables. Every dimension
is tied directly to the fact table and typically this is a de-normalized
Snowflake Schema
This is more normalized solution compared to the star schema. It
typically contains multiple tables per dimension. It can also be
called as a star schema with dimensions connected to some more dimensions.
Fact Constellation Schema
This schema is viewed as collection of
stars hence called galaxy schema or fact constellation. It is possible to
construct fact constellation schema from a star schema by splitting the
original star schema into more star schemes. The fact constellation approach
contains multiple fact tables that share many dimension tables. It's typically
a combination of star and snowflake schemes.
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